That Awkward Moment When…

We’ve all experienced awkward moments when we wished the Earth would just open up and swallow


They’re a fact of life.

Awkward moments – you know, those instances that make you (and other people) feel terribly uncomfortable. They can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time.

There’s that awkward moment when, in a quiet room, your stomach decides to let out a nice big hungry growl.

And that awkward moment when someone comes round the corner just as you’re taking a picture of yourself (aka a ‘selfie’) on your mobile phone.

And who could forget that awkward moment when you think someone’s waving at you so you wave back – but they’re actually waving to someone behind you?

A few of us may have experienced that awkward moment when you trip and fall on the way up on stage to receive a prestigious award with millions of people watching you. (See: Jennifer Lawrence at the Oscars – a perfect example of recovering oneself from an awkward moment!)

So what do you do when you find yourself in such a position?

I have no statistically proven answers to help you overcome awkward moments. But what I find works best for me is simply not stressing about it, and just going with the flow! Because chances are, that moment will pass by in a blink of an eye and everyone’s forgotten about it.

The poise and confidence you gain by handling awkward moments can help you deal with much more ‘terrifying’ social situations..

Better still, here’s another way to cope with it – just have a good laugh at yourself! It’ll definitely defuse a potentially crippling awkward situation if you recover quickly with a sense of humour.

So there, if ever you get yourself into an awkward situation, don’t be embarrassed – embrace it instead; be kind to yourself, because it really could happen to anyone! Also, the poise and confidence you gain by handling awkward moments can help you deal with much more ‘terrifying’ social situations. If anything, it’ll make for a funny anecdote some day.


ouwww…please control ur self…this is my cat…dun be like my cat…hahahhaa


erkkk..heyyyy dont take my pic..ermm..#ermm nice smile anyway





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